Ant & Bee Stories #2

Some employees are good at taking initiative, while some aren’t.

So, how do you get them to learn to take initiative with the least damage to the company? Since mistakes are bound to happen in the process.

Setting up systems that act as training wheels is the best way to do it. That way, constant oversight is minimized while task autonomy is grown.

Well, how does one go about setting up the systems?

That’s a story for another time.

Ant & Bee Stories #1

Sometimes you need an outside perspective on things.

“They always come to me for the smallest thing. Even after I’ve given them the solutions!”

My client felt that his employees are lazy and don’t follow procedure, even after he had clearly laid it out for them.

Turns out the employees are afraid to take initiative since the boss (my client) used to give them an earful for mistakes in the past.

The lessons here are:

1) If you want your employees to take initiative, you need to allow them to make those mistakes first and provide criticism in a positive manner.

2) There are 2 sides to any story. And most of the time, you need an outside perspective to see them both in an objective way.

Satisfy Your Customer

Innovation in the Customer service/satisfaction field is going to be the deciding factor for many businesses in the coming future.

Technology has pretty much paved the way for a level playing field when it comes to technical features of a product/service.

A company that knows why it’s in business and able to get its employees to engage with that ‘why’ will find it difficult not to become a market leader.